– General Fund –
• 2 new sponsored artists • Independent Energy Source • Modifications and upgrades to MFE •
In 2023, MAF is proud to be sponsoring 2 artists that have been patiently waiting for the right time to arrive that is finally making it possible for them to attend Burning Man and bring their wonderful \gifts of art to the Playa.
Lucca Salvatore and Selva Bhairavi each have some history with MAF. Lucca first participated in 2020’s MysticVerse Virtual Burn project and has wanted to attend the physical Burn ever since. Selva was given an art grant in 2022, however, circumstances beyond her control prevented her from bringing the piece to Camp Mystic. Now, your generous support is making that completion possible.
The Mystic Flyer Experience is the flagship example project of Mystic Arts Foundation. The ability to help bring artists and collaborators together to build a large-scale, interactive, immersive ARTology experience is the purpose and mission of this beautiful, mutant vehicle project. Your funding directly supports the storage, maintenance, repairs, art and sound upgrades, and the ability to find ways to share this mobile work of art & technology beyond the Black Rock Desert into the Grand Playa.
In addition, MAF, is using its resources to help upgrade Camp Mystic infrastructure with its own distributed power grid system. This important leap into more radical self-reliance is the first step into future investments for battery power storage capacity charged by hybrids of hydrogen fuel cell generators and solar panels. Your generous donations pay for our ongoing operational and administrative expenses which permit us to expand our outreach and grow our impact.
- – Initial goal for 2023 ( $50,000) – 11%
- – streach goal for 2023 ( $100,000) – 5.5%
We are very proud to announce our 2023 art projects. Don’t miss!
Click on the projects below and understand more about these artists and our fundraiser.
Or learn more about the projects you can support
Dj / Producer / Film director
Our history with this artist started during the pandemic when Lucca and his team designed and curated a 3D museum and a dancefloor for Virtual Burning Man – Dusty Multiverse.
Gateway Orgon Chamber
its purpose being to allow festival attendees to meditate inside, reprogram, activate, and align themselves with the Higher Light-Code matrix enabling a quantum recrystallization of matter and consciousness on Earth.
Our Mutant Vehicule
MAF provides mobile and portable art platforms as an educational showcase for graphic artists, LED lighting artists, technology artists, music/sound artists, and more.
Support the general fund
Every year we from Mystic Arts Foundation invest in improvements so that every time your experience gets better!
See here our improvements and donate.